Rhino Shield

It's Not Paint!

Posts Tagged ‘Rhino Shield process

Rhino Shield Protective Finish Coat Protects and Insulates

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Built to last and composed from millions of tiny ceramic microspheres, Rhino Shield Protective Finish Coat (PFC) lives up to its namesake and more.

PFC is our most breathable elastomeric ceramic coating, meaning it allows natural water vapors to escape, thus preventing coating cracking and peeling.  Rhino Shield PFC also expands and contracts with the movements of your home or building.  These benefits are maintained while still offering superior insulation and solar reflective benefits which could save on the cost to heat and cool your home.  When applied over Rhino Shield Self Priming Coat (SPC), the system is ideal for harsh climates and wooden homes

To find out more about how our Rhino Shield® Protective Finish Coat can benefit your home, contact us today.

Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

January 5, 2012 at 8:55 am

Rhino Shield Coating Process: Part 1

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If you are one of the many homeowners learning for the first time about Rhino Shield, here is a brief overview of the process that is involved when the product is applied.

  • Thorough Inspection
    Before applying Rhino Shield to your home, we inspect your home’s underlying condition to see if any additional steps need to be taken before we apply the product.
  • Cleaning and Washing
    The entire surface is power-washed to kill any mold, mildew, or fungus that was pre-existing. TSP and bleach is commonly used for this process.
  • Patch & Repair
    Your home is brought to its original condition by sealing all cracks, holes, chips, and breaks.
  • Caulking
    In order to prevent moisture from disrupting the coating, we caulk around all doors and windows.

Check back with the blog for part 2 of the Rhino Shield Process.

This in-depth process is used to ensure your future happiness with the product. Give the exterior of your home the attention it deserves. Your neighbors and friends will notice the difference.

Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

May 13, 2011 at 8:30 am

Why is "Priming" so Important for the Rhino Shield Process?

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We’ve talked a lot about some of the various stages in the Rhino Shield process for exterior ceramic paint, but there is definitely one step in the process that seems to stand above the others when it comes to their significance.

Priming for a proper paint job is crucial to making sure your exterior ceramic coating lasts as long as it’s supposed to. In the Rhino Shield Process, we spray on a solid coat of Rhino Shield Adhesive Primer Sealer to act as a bonding agent to make the finish coat stay on your home without any cracking or peeling.

Rhino Shield Priming process

Adding primer to your exterior coating is crucial to the success of your paint!

Using a primer is so important nowadays primarily because since 1978, any lead-based chemicals were taken out of paint that would act as a glue to hold paint to your home. Primers now act as the adhesive under your paint in order to keep your new paint job for as long as possible.

To find out more about the Rhino Shield process, be sure to visit our corporate website or you can even give us call at 888-769-9154 for a free quote!

Rhino Shield Will Help Your House "Breathe"

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There are several great features of our Rhino Shield product, from its high salt tolerance to its waterproof qualities and even its solar reflectance, which makes it a great exterior ceramic coating for practically all coastal properties.

Painting with Rhino Shield

Alongside sseveral other features, Rhino Shield is also considered a very "breathable" product.

But did you know that there is one major feature of Rhino Shield that helps out in a slightly different way but still offers the same long-lasting quality that the other features offer? It’s the “breathability” of the Rhino Shield product itself, which in turn makes the paint last longer and remain strong.

In fact, one of our specific products, Rhino Shield PFC, received a highly breathable testing rating and is now considered our most “breathable” product.

If you want to find out more about what exactly having a breathable exterior coating can do for your home, either check out our corporate website or give us a call at 888-769-9154 for a free quote!

Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

April 20, 2011 at 6:14 am

Rhino Shield Also Does Commercial Work!

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Commercial work by Rhino Shield

Did you know that Rhino Shield is also available for commercial work?

Sure, Rhino Shield may be mostly known for their residential work with various types of homes; but did you know that Rhino Shield’s exterior ceramic coating is also available for various types of commercial work as well? We’ve already done work on all kinds of businesses and our footprint continues to expand!

We may traditionally market towards the residential market, but the demand is beginning to increase for several different types of commercial work.

What type of commercial work has Rhino Shield already performed? We’ve done work on independent businesses, national chains, local governments, Federal government buildings, churches banks, funeral homes, hotels and even condominiums.

So if your business is in need of a new paint job and you are looking for something that will truly last a long time so you won’t have to deal with the issue in another few years, just give the professionals at Rhino Shield a call. We offer a free quote simply by calling 888-769-9154.

The Importance of "Step 3" in the Rhino Shield Process

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Last week we discussed how important our specific 12-step process is to how amazing the Rhino Shield truly works as an exterior ceramic coating. Step one may be a crucial step, but there are several more steps that are just as or even more essential to the Rhino Shield Process.

Step 3 of the Rhino Shield Process

The cleaning and washing step of the Rhino Shield process is extremely important!

One of the other significant steps is step number 3, which is the “cleaning and washing” step. This step comes after the trenching step, where the Rhino Shield professionals power-wash the entire surface of where the painting will be taking place. We typically use TSP and bleach to clean and kill all existing mold, mildew and fungus.

The overall goal of this step in the process is to have a clean and dry surface to bond to. The reason why the Rhino Shield product last so incredibly long compared to other ceramic coatings is because of the tedious process we do before each coating of Rhino Shield is put on.

If you would like to find out more about the Rhino Shield Process, please visit our corporate website. If you’re interested in using Rhino Shield for your home, please give us a call at 888-769-9154 for a free quote.


An In-Depth Look at Step One of the Rhino Shield Process

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Step 1 of Rhino Shield process

Step 1 of the Rhino Shield process is definitely one of the most crucial.

As we’ve stated in recent posts, the Rhino Shield process is one of the most thorough paint processes you’ll currently find on the market. We stand behind our product and we take the process itself very seriously, because we believe that once your home is painted with a new Rhino Shield coating you’ll be wondering why you didn’t do it sooner.

Because our process is so detailed and thorough, we thought it was a good idea to go a little more in-depth within each step (which there are 12 total) and explain the importance of each one.

The first step is the thorough inspection, which is crucial to making sure that we here at Rhino Shield do our job properly when working on your home. The thorough inspection is done to determine the condition of the underlying substrates and what work will be needed ahead. Once the inspection is fully completed, we create an actual plan in order to accomplish the work.

This may seem like a minor step in the process as a whole, but starting off on the right foot makes all the difference in doing the job right the first time around. To see the other steps in the process, just visit our website which details each one.

And of course if you are thinking about adding Rhino Shield to the exterior of your home, be sure to give us a call at 888-769-9154 to get a quote today!