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Archive for the ‘Tips and Hints’ Category

Maintaining Your Rhino Shield Installation

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A Garden hose.

Maintaining your Rhino Shield coating properly is key to extending the life of your protective barrier.

It is recommended to periodically clean your home after a Rhino Shield installation to maintain the effectiveness and visual appeal of the coating.  Pollen, air pollution, spores and surface dirt cling to your home’s exterior over time.  A mild soap or cleanser works well to remove this buildup.

A garden hose performs best to cleanse your home’s substrate.  Avoid power washing your home after a Rhino Shield installation; if used improperly, a high power machine may cause lasting damage to your home and coating.

While washing your home, check for openings in the caulk joints around any windows, doors, trim, and siding.  It is also best to keep shrubs, trees and plants at least one foot away from siding.

For any additional information on how to maintain your Rhino Shield installation, contact us today.


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Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

September 29, 2011 at 3:22 pm

Rhino Shield And Google +

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Google Plus can increase the brand awareness for companies, including Rhino Shield.

Google + is a fantastic tool for businesses such as Rhino Shield because it creates a more intimate interaction between our customers and us.  Rhino Shield’s ability to offer a superior product paired with excellent customer service is only enhanced with Google +.

Connecting, linking, and sharing information about all aspects of Rhino Shield-installations, photos and reviews- is now easier than ever with this new networking tool.  Using Google + in conjunction with our blog, Facebook and Twitter pages enhance our ability to connect with our consumers.

Google +’s user-friendly design and features make the program easy and efficient to use.  Simply share a post from our blog with your friends, family and associates on Google.  Immediately, it becomes a part of your Google Profile where it is exposed to your desired circle of friends.  Find us on Google + today.

Don’t have Google + yet?  Visit our corporate website to learn more about Rhino Shield and to receive a free estimate today.



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Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

September 12, 2011 at 12:44 pm

Why Does Paint Fail?

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paint roller beside paint brush at paint reservoir

Paint's composition makes it last less longer than Rhino Shield's durable coating.

Have you ever been in the position in which you feel like you “just painted your home?”  Chipping, peeling, cracking and discoloration may be result from a variety of catalysts.  In some cases, improper preparation such as failure to clean the surface properly or painting when the substrate is moist may result in paint failure within 3-5 years.  On a wooden home, the growth of mold and fungus can eat away at your substrate as well causing notable damage.

So, why does paint fail?  Paint is primarily comprised of water.  Sixty percent of latex paint is water, its other components being 17 percent plasticizers, 12 percent chalky fillers, and 11 percent pigments.  Since paint consists of a high percentage of water, it can destabilize quickly causing dreadful chipping and peeling.

In contrast, Rhino Shield Ceramic Coating is comprised of nearly 80 percent solids.  Due to this high volume, Rhino Shield dries 8-10 times thicker than traditional paint, offering greater protection and insulation benefits than the alternative.  Rhino Shield’s coating contains ceramic microspheres rather than chalky fillers.  These tightly packed microspheres provide a barrier against heat, UV rays and coating break down. Rhino Shield also consists a 3 part mold, mildew and algae additive.  This helps prevent the growth of unsightly microbes.

Better ingredients make a better product, and better products last much longer.



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Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

August 16, 2011 at 1:14 pm

Benefits of Investing in Wood Replacement

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Saitta House, Dyker Heights, Brooklyn “Saitta ...

Be sure to keep an eye on the state of the wood on your wood. Checking for rot and degradation is key to knowing if you'll need wood replacement.

When should you replace the wood on your home?  The exterior of your home is the first defense against harsh weather including snow, rain, wind and high humidity.  Moisture can weaken your substrate over time; therefore, a wood replacement needs to take place fairly regularly to prevent mold growth within your walls.

Failure to replace wood may also harm your plans for exterior painting and coating. Improper adhesion of paint, lost investment and the need to repaint quickly are all results of an attempt to paint damaged wood.  Warning signs initiating the need for a wood replacement include cracks, splits, holes and buckling in your exterior walls.

Every Rhino Shield application begins with a thorough inspection of your home.  Rhino Shield crews are able to match the exact substrate of your home to complete repairs where needed.  Although this replacement may be costly, the results will save money over time and will prevent the acceleration of greater damage from occurring.

Contact us today, and let us make your home as beautiful as it can be.



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Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

August 16, 2011 at 1:07 pm

Diagnosing Wood Rot: Protecting Your Home From Fungi Growth

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Wood surface, showing several features

Learn what the symptoms of wood rot are so you can effectively combat it.

When the wooden substrate of your home is exposed to excessive moisture, wood rot may develop and harm your structure.  Wood rot’s main culprit is fungi growth.  Moisture, oxygen, and cellulose found in wood enable fungi to thrive in environments between 40 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit.  The presence of wood rot can be extremely detrimental to your home and failure to properly prevent fungus growth may result in costly wood replacements over time.

Decay often shows symptoms of dulling, discoloration and cracking of wood.  Often, a musty odor, mold spots, and heavy condensation may plague windows and surrounding areas.  To prevent great damage from occurring, it is essential to target the origin of moisture causing fungus growth.  Unfortunately, most wood homes carry a small amount of moisture in their walls due to exposure from the elements.  Thus, it is essential to check your home during rainy winter and summer months for signs of potential problems.

Wood rot may hinder any plans you may have to coat the exterior of your home.  Failure to address a wood rot problem may result in improper adhesion of paint and lofty fees to re-coat your home.  Rhino Shield ceramic coating helps protect the wood on your home significantly, as our product acts as a barrier to moisture.  As well as waterproofing qualities, testing confirms Rhino Shield is resistant to the growth of algae and fungus.  If your home already displays cases of wood rot, Rhino Shield can replace the damaged wood during installation if necessary.

With a Rhino Shield application, you can be assured your fears of wood rot will end.  For more information, contact Rhino Shield today.



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Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

August 4, 2011 at 1:11 pm

The Dangers Of Choosing A Dark Exterior Paint Color

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paint roller beside paint brush at paint reservoir

It's important to do your homework when choosing a new paint color for your home.

As a homeowner, you have the luxury of choosing any color for your home’s exterior look.  But have you ever considered the psychology of choosing the proper paint color for your home, and the limitations some colors present?

Choosing a particular paint color is not just about altering the look of your home–you should also determine which colors provide the proper benefits for you.  Before you decide on a color, there are certain factors to consider:

  • Do dark colors fade more than lighter colors?
  • How energy efficient is a darker colored paint?
  • How does choosing a dark colored paint effect your home’s resale value?

These are just a few items to consider when planning to re-paint your home.  Dark colors tend to fade more rapidly than lighter colors, calling for retouches and repair more often.  Darker colors also tend to disperse heat much less than lighter colors, keeping your home warmer.  As a result, the cost to cool your home can increase.  Dark colored paint also can lessen the value of your home on the market, making it harder to resell .

Keep these points in mind when attempting to choose a dark colored paint for your home’s exterior.  When we think about changing our home’s appearance with paint, remember that Rhino Shield can match practically any color you can think of.



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Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

July 28, 2011 at 7:26 am

Bee in the Know!

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head of a carpenter bee showing the compound e...

The Rhino Shield coating helps prevent the congregation of bees around your home.

At Rhino Shield, we receive a lot of questions about carpenter bees from prospective customers seeking a solution to these pesky creatures accumulating around their homes.  Carpenter bees may bore into wood siding and cause damage to many homes. Their population has become more prevalent within the southeastern United States during the past decade.

While no one can completely predict animal behavior, Rhino Shield has a good track record against carpenter bees.  Rhino Shield’s formula is thick with a high percentage of solids, making it a key defense against these unwanted pests.

Below are highlights from a professional paper written by Entomologist, Blake Layton about Carpenter Bees:

  • Carpenter bees congregate around favorable nesting locations, and females will reuse, and enlarge old galleries from year to year.  Galleries can also allow moisture to enter the wood and hasten decay.
  • Carpenter bees especially prefer pine, cypress and cedar, but will occasionally bore in other types of lumber.
  • Painted or sealed wood is seldom attacked by carpenter bees; painting or sealing the wood surface with Rhino Shield is one of the best long-term solutions for carpenter bees.
  • Simply staining the wood does not prevent the accumulation Carpenter Bees.


Rhino Shield’s elastomeric, ceramic-based formula is an excellent defense against Carpenter Bees.



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Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

July 11, 2011 at 11:23 am

Prepare for Hurricane Season With Rhino Shield

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For residents of Florida and other areas throughout the Gulf Coast, hurricane preparedness is a way of life. Florida hurricane season will officially begin next month and continue until November. The Gulf Coast region is not only known for their hurricanes, but extreme heat, humidity, abundant rain, and seasonal frost. All of these elements will destroy your home’s exterior if it is not protected.

Rather than going through the continuous expense of maintaining your home’s exterior with traditional paint, why not make an investment for your home’s longevity in Rhino Shield? Many homeowners in the Gulf Coast region have found comfort in knowing that their home will be able to withstand unpredictable weather.

Rhino Shield comes with a 25 year warranty and will eliminate the need for on-going, expensive maintenance on your home. Contact us to learn more about the strength of our product and how it will be well worth the investment.

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Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

May 18, 2011 at 2:30 pm

See Rhino Shield in Action at the St. Louis Home & Garden Show

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There are always several great home improvement expos and trade shows going on across the country, and we here at Rhino Shield do our best to attend each and every one.

Because the St. Louis area is one of our biggest markets, we will actually be an exhibitor at the 34th Annual Builders Home & Garden Show which will be taking place at America’s Center and Edward Jones Dome between March 3rd and 6th. Rhino Shield will be booth number 3005 and you can see where we will be located by checking out the exhibit map on the show’s website.

America's Center in St. Louis

Will you be coming to see Rhino Shield at the St. Louis Home & Garden Show?

Never seen Rhino Shield in action or just curious about why choosing Rhino Shield has so many advantages compared to other exterior ceramic coatings? Be sure to stop by our booth so we can answer any questions you may have about our Rhino Shield product!

Will you be attending this year’s Builders Home & Garden Show in downtown St. Louis? Let us know by leaving a comment!

Use Rhino Shield's "Nature's Cote" for Indoor Usage

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Anture's Cote is the new eco-friendly alternative to interior paints.

AmCoat Industries is very well-known for its premiere ceramic coating product Rhino Shield, which is used primarily for exterior paint jobs. But did you know that we also have a product you can use for indoor painting projects? The product is known as Nature’s Cote, an eco-friendly alternative to the average ceramic interior paint.

What exactly is so special about Nature’s Cote? Besides the higher quality and performance compared to most interior ceramic paints, Nature’s Cote (which is eco-friendly) offers consumers a zero-voc formula, interior sound reduction, added wall insulation, and superior scrubability. Nature’s Cote is also 52% solid by volume and contains the best 100% acrylic resins available.

So if you’re looking to repaint some rooms inside your house, be sure to take a look at our eco-friendly alternative for interior ceramic coats in Nature’s Cote.

If you would like more information on Nature’s Cote as well as other AmCoat Industries products, just give us a call at 888-769-9154.