Rhino Shield

It's Not Paint!

Archive for the ‘FAQ’ Category

Rhino Shield Results in Cost Savings

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Rhino Shield lasts longer than traditional paint, making it a key long-term investment.

Rhino Shield

Rhino Shield

Rhino Shield breaks the perpetual exterior painting cycle with its proprietary ceramic coating system. Here are the quantitative advantages Rhino Shield coating system can offer your home or business:

  • Looks like exterior latex paint but dries 8 to 9 times thicker.
  • Traditional paint typically needs re-painting every 3-5 years. Rhino Shield, by contrast, comes with a 25 year warranty not to crack, chip or peel.
  • Meets or exceeds all the key tests for coating durability and performance.
  • Rhino Shield has been independently tested by BASF labs.
  • Breathable, enabling water vapors to escape and thereby preventing coating breakdown.
  • Ceramic microspheres provide an insulating barrier against heat, UV rays and coating break down.

Due to its long life, Rhino Shield can increase the resale value of your home. With a transferable warranty, Rhino Shield becomes a re-sale feature for many homeowners.

Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

July 12, 2012 at 2:07 pm

Three Most Common Questions About Rhino Shield

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If you have been thinking about a Rhino Shield® installation for your home, likely these questions have come up in your decision process:

  • Why should I use Rhino Shield® instead of traditional paint? Rhino Shield® uses better ingredients, which produces a better product. Unlike traditional paint, which must be re-covered every three to five years, Rhino Shield® lasts an amazing 25 years.  Rhino Shield® also has many benefits, making our coating standout against latex paint.
  • Which surfaces can Rhino Shield be applied to? Our product may be applied to virtually any exterior surfaces on homes or commercial buildings.   A few of the substrates Rhino Shield® can be used on include stucco, wood, brick, block, vinyl and metal.
  • What does Rhino Shield look like when it dries? Although a Rhino Shield® application is usually 8-10 times thicker than the traditional competitor, our ceramic coating resembles paint when dry. Rhino Shield® creates a streamline and sleek look to your home and maintains the natural look of your substrate when dry.

Please contact us today to learn more about Rhino Shield® or to receive a free estimate.

Photo via: Flickr

Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

December 19, 2011 at 2:07 pm

What Are Volatile Organic Compounds?

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Dried green paint

Paints are full of volatile organic compounds. VOCs infiltrate the atmosphere, and can have debilitating effects on your health and the environment.

If you haven’t heard of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) before, you should be aware of their presence in most chemicals that we use today.

VOCs are made from a variety of chemicals and are emitted as gases into the atmosphere from certain solids and liquids.  The gases released are often dangerous to the environment, and can be harmful to you as well. 

While the concentration of VOCs is higher within products used indoors, they are also prevalent in outdoor environments. The health effects documented from prolonged VOC exposure are varied and adverse.   Several health risks associated with VOC exposure include respiratory and allergic affects.

Similarly, nose and throat irritation is common, as are headaches, loss of coordination, and danger to your liver, kidneys, and central nervous system.  VOCs pose a serious concern to personal health and safety if exposure to these chemicals is too great.

House paint usually has a high concentration of VOCs, and each application on your home increases the number of these compounds released into the atmosphere.  Even with the completion of the paint job, the chemicals remain, persisting in the air for extended periods of time.  It has been determined that house paints are the second largest source of VOCs, after automobiles.  Some common VOCs in paints are solvents such as aliphatic hydrocarbons, ethyl acetate, glycol ethers, and acetone.

Due to their adverse effects on the environment and the health of those breathing them in, it is important to reduce the number of VOCs as much as possible.

Thankfully, Rhino Shield’s ceramic coating systems contain low VOCs and are environmentally friendly.  Choose Rhino Shield to not only protect your home’s exterior, but also to support a “Go Green” alternative to traditional latex paint.



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Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

July 19, 2011 at 1:02 pm

Bee in the Know!

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head of a carpenter bee showing the compound e...

The Rhino Shield coating helps prevent the congregation of bees around your home.

At Rhino Shield, we receive a lot of questions about carpenter bees from prospective customers seeking a solution to these pesky creatures accumulating around their homes.  Carpenter bees may bore into wood siding and cause damage to many homes. Their population has become more prevalent within the southeastern United States during the past decade.

While no one can completely predict animal behavior, Rhino Shield has a good track record against carpenter bees.  Rhino Shield’s formula is thick with a high percentage of solids, making it a key defense against these unwanted pests.

Below are highlights from a professional paper written by Entomologist, Blake Layton about Carpenter Bees:

  • Carpenter bees congregate around favorable nesting locations, and females will reuse, and enlarge old galleries from year to year.  Galleries can also allow moisture to enter the wood and hasten decay.
  • Carpenter bees especially prefer pine, cypress and cedar, but will occasionally bore in other types of lumber.
  • Painted or sealed wood is seldom attacked by carpenter bees; painting or sealing the wood surface with Rhino Shield is one of the best long-term solutions for carpenter bees.
  • Simply staining the wood does not prevent the accumulation Carpenter Bees.


Rhino Shield’s elastomeric, ceramic-based formula is an excellent defense against Carpenter Bees.



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Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

July 11, 2011 at 11:23 am

Rhino Shield Dealers Providing the Ultimate Experience

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Rhino Shield’s corporate is located in Destin, Florida. Certified Dealers may currently be found in 41 states. We also have three international Dealerships. Click Dealer Locator to view Rhino Shield certified dealers near your home or office.

Although each Dealership is independently owned, each is still carefully screened to ensure that they have high levels of integrity and experience to best present the Rhino Shield systems. Each Dealer operates under strict application guidelines to ensure success. Homeowners throughout the country have experienced the benefits of Rhino Shield’s Ceramic Coating System.

If you are curious about Rhino Shield for your home or office, our website has a place to Request a Quote Online to receive an estimate of the cost of application. You simply need to include the square footage of your home or office and the type of exterior material you wish to have coated.

We want to make it as easy as possible to show you how Rhino Shield can change the way you do exterior maintenance. Please give us a call if you would like to speak with a Rhino Shield professional.

Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

June 7, 2011 at 10:15 am

Rhino Shield Saving Business Owners Time & Money

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The Rhino Shield product is typically known for residential use, but we are becoming more popular for commercial use. For business owners, Rhino Shield makes sense if you want to save money overtime and not interrupt business with constant exterior maintenance.

Rhino Shield has worked with many retail establishments and have provided them a fresh, lasting exterior. Some of our past retail clients include Firestone and National City Bank. A clean exterior appearance is vital for retail establishments.

Another area where Rhino Shield has been used is hotels. Hotels are such high-traffic areas and repainting the exterior constantly can even turn people away. People want to spend the night at a hotel that is fresh and welcoming. Rhino Shield has worked with the Mona Lisa Resort among many others.

Universities have used the Rhino Shield product, especially those with large campuses. If a university uses conventional paint, the maintenance staff could be constantly repairing an aged exterior.

One surprising commercial use of Rhino Shield is churches. Churches are actually a specialty of Rhino Shield and many churches across the country have seen the benefit of our product.

If you want to learn more about our commercial work, please contact us. We would love to speak with you.

Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

June 3, 2011 at 5:07 pm

Protect Your Home with the Affordable Ceramic One Coat Paint

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If you are looking for an affordable option for painting your exterior walls or trim, consider Ceramic One Coat (COC) from Rhino Shield. With one coat, your exterior can have the durability it needs to face even the harshest conditions. Here are some facts about COC:

  • COC is made from ceramic microspheres and titanium dioxide.
  • The ceramic microspheres enable the product to block sunlight and give you the added benefits of energy efficiency.
  • In one coat, COC can give you a beautiful finish in any color you desire.
  • COC can be applied to all types of property including residential, commercial, and government buildings.
  • COC is safe to apply to most all exterior surfaces, including wood, brick, stucco, masonry, vinyl, and concrete.
  • COC allows for excellent breathability that gives the exterior a way to remove natural water vapors, but still keep a strong coating.
  • COC protects you exterior against mildew, algae, and fungus.

Make the easy move from traditional paint to the long-lasting Ceramic One Coat from Rhino Shield. Contact us to learn more about this affordable premium paint.

Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

June 3, 2011 at 8:30 am

Get the Ultimate Paint Job, No Matter the Exterior

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Do you think that you cannot use Rhino Shield on your home or business because you have a unique exterior that incorporates stone, brick, or cement block? Rhino Shield can be applied to more surfaces other than stucco, including those surfaces listed above as well as masonite, aluminum, and more!

Rhino Shield is able to adhere to most any substrate because of the detailed application process and high-quality primer. Our adhesive primer sealer is able to penetrate up to six layers of paint. The primer not only serves as a bonding agent for the top-coat of Rhino Shield, but prevents the growth of mold, mildew, and fungus on your exterior.

Rhino Shield Ceramic Coating will give you the fresh look you want as well as the durability of vinyl siding. The rubber-like membrane of Rhino Shield actually becomes one with the substrate, giving you the benefits of no peeling or cracking.

If you want to learn more about how your home can be given the ultimate paint job, please give us a call.

Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

June 1, 2011 at 9:15 am

Rhino Shield Coating Process: Part 2

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Last week we began a two-part series that discussed the Rhino Shield application process. There are still some important points to cover that are the reason why Rhino Shield is the leader in ceramic coating. Here is the continuation from Rhino Shield Coating Process: Part 1

  • Masking: Areas of your home that will not receive ceramic coating are masked off to protect. We give special attention to plants, decks, window, doors, and other areas.
  • Priming: A coat of Rhino Shield Adhesive Primer Sealer is sprayed onto your home to serve as a bonding agent for the finish coat of Rhino Shield.
  • Apply the Finish Coats: The ceramic coating is sprayed onto your home at a rate of 100 square feet per gallon or more. Tight areas may need additional back rolling.
  • Detail Touch Up: We will make touch ups for windows, awnings, and other detailed areas of your home. All masking materials are removed.
  • Clean Up Job Site: We want your home to look brand new. The job site will receive a detailed clean up to return your home back to its original state or better.
  • Final Inspection: Our job is not done until you are happy with our work.

The attention your home will receive with Rhino Shield is unlike any other painting service. Even when we leave your home, our warranty still remains for 25 years.

Please call us if you have any questions about using Rhino Shield for your home.

Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

May 20, 2011 at 4:51 pm

Rhino Shield Coating Process: Part 1

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If you are one of the many homeowners learning for the first time about Rhino Shield, here is a brief overview of the process that is involved when the product is applied.

  • Thorough Inspection
    Before applying Rhino Shield to your home, we inspect your home’s underlying condition to see if any additional steps need to be taken before we apply the product.
  • Cleaning and Washing
    The entire surface is power-washed to kill any mold, mildew, or fungus that was pre-existing. TSP and bleach is commonly used for this process.
  • Patch & Repair
    Your home is brought to its original condition by sealing all cracks, holes, chips, and breaks.
  • Caulking
    In order to prevent moisture from disrupting the coating, we caulk around all doors and windows.

Check back with the blog for part 2 of the Rhino Shield Process.

This in-depth process is used to ensure your future happiness with the product. Give the exterior of your home the attention it deserves. Your neighbors and friends will notice the difference.

Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

May 13, 2011 at 8:30 am