Rhino Shield

It's Not Paint!

Archive for January 2012

Commercial and Business Spaces Love Rhino Shield

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Attracting new customers is a top priority for a small business owner.  The appearance of your building creates a first impression between you and your clientele.   Keeping your business exterior maintained can become costly over time. What if you could paint your commercial building once and not have to think about it again for twenty-five years?

That is precisely what you get when you choose Rhino Shield®  for your business. Our coating is guaranteed to last twenty-five years, meaning you do the job once and you can put the thought of yearly touchups in the past, giving you more time to focus on other aspects of your business.  Rhino Shield® is high performance, durable and long lasting. Rhino Shield® may be applied to virtually any substrate including wood, brick, stucco, Hardie Plank®, and many others.

Our coatings have many benefits that traditional latex paint cannot match:

  • Waterproofing qualities:  Rhino Shields superior primer bonds closely to your walls, creating a tight seal to lock out moisture, a leading cause of paint failure.  Our specialty coating formula also resists the growth of mold, mildew and algae.
  • Energy savings:  Ceramics within our coatings work to reflect UV rays from the sun, lowering the surface temperature of your walls.  Therefore, less energy is needed to heat and cool your building, which may lower your energy bill.
  • Increase resale value of building: Rhino Shield® is guaranteed to last for twenty-five years.  Each maintenance-free installation has a written, transferrable, non-prorated warranty that may be a selling point for future real estate purchasers.
  • Increased curb appeal: Not only does Rhino Shield® protect your business’ exterior, it also beautifies your building.  Rhino Shield® is available in over 10,000 color selections, making your building as unique as your company.



Rhino Shield® is the perfect investment for your commercial building, and you can find out more about all the benefits of our incredible ceramic coating by contacting us today.

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Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

January 24, 2012 at 4:46 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

Rhino Shield Superior to Paint in Every Way

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If you’ve had neighbors or friends purchase Rhino Shield® in the past, they probably told you it works just like ordinary paint products. While it’s a useful and familiar comparison that people can make, Rhino Shield®  is actually far and away a better choice for your home’s siding than paint.

There are several factors that separate Rhino Shield® ceramic coating products from paint. Here’s some of the characteristics that really set it apart:

  • Traditional paint contains over 60 percent water. Rhino Shield contains over 80 percent solids, which is why the ceramic coatings last as long as they do.
  • Paint uses fillers such as chalk, which can’t hold up against the environment. Rhino Shield uses ceramic micro-spheres that are so tightly packed they can withstand even the toughest of the elements.
  • Rhino Shield dries approximately eight to ten times thicker than traditional paint. This means Rhino Shield is able to give your home added protection and insulation that traditional paint simply cannot.
  • Rhino Shield also contains an EPA-certified 3 part mold, mildew and algae additive. This feature prevents the growth of unwanted microbes.

Knowing all the advantages Rhino Shield has over ordinary paint, why would you choose anything else? Contact Rhino Shield today to even more about this amazing home improvement product and how you can bring it to your home today!

Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

January 18, 2012 at 9:57 am

Go 'Green' With Rhino Shield Ceramic Coating

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Increasingly today, it is becoming a priority for individuals to cut down on their environmental impact. A significant portion of the effort is concentrated on homeowners and new technology to make homes more eco-friendly. Rhino Shield® offers many benefits for the “green” homeowner.

Firstly, Rhino Shield® is a non-toxic ceramic coating that is safe to handle and is low odor. Most traditional paints contain a significant amount of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which can be harmful to humans and to the environment.  In contrast, Rhino Shield® has a very low VOC content in comparison to the competition.

In addition to being non-toxic, Rhino Shield® may also decrease energy consumption within your home.  Our ceramic coating reflects UV rays from the sun, lowering the surface temperature of your walls while providing additional insulation.  This may overtime save a homeowner on heating and cooling costs for their home.

It’s for these reasons that Rhino Shield® is a fantastic choice for the homeowner who is more concerned with the environment while still wishing to have superior protection on their home.  To learn more about the great benefits Rhino Shield may offer, contact us!

Rhino Shield Has the Versatility You Need

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We offer several different systems of Rhino Shield® that are tailor made to suit certain types of homes and the environments they are in. It is that kind of versatility that makes our products a great choice for homeowners that want to give their home’s exterior serious protection.

Just what makes all these coatings different from each other? Have a look at a few of our most popular Rhino Shield® products and find out what each is best suited for:

  • Durable Finish Coat: Offers some of our best protection against mold, mildew and cosmetic damage while providing superior UV-reflecting power and insulation.
  • Protective Finish Coat: Strong and very breathable, this Rhino Shield® product is perfect for more intense climates and conditions or wood surfaces
  • Rhin0-Clear: This useful product is a clear coat that helps seal and protect surfaces without applying a solid color, making it perfect for surfaces where you want to maintain a natural look, like wood or brick.
  • Nature’s Coat: Specifically designed for interior use, it’s a great option for redoing any room in your home with a coating that’s low in toxins and resists abrasion

Additionally, you can find out more about all our different Rhino Shield® products online.  Contact us to get in touch with your local dealer to determine what  service and product would be perfect for your home.


Rhino Shield Protective Finish Coat Protects and Insulates

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Built to last and composed from millions of tiny ceramic microspheres, Rhino Shield Protective Finish Coat (PFC) lives up to its namesake and more.

PFC is our most breathable elastomeric ceramic coating, meaning it allows natural water vapors to escape, thus preventing coating cracking and peeling.  Rhino Shield PFC also expands and contracts with the movements of your home or building.  These benefits are maintained while still offering superior insulation and solar reflective benefits which could save on the cost to heat and cool your home.  When applied over Rhino Shield Self Priming Coat (SPC), the system is ideal for harsh climates and wooden homes

To find out more about how our Rhino Shield® Protective Finish Coat can benefit your home, contact us today.

Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

January 5, 2012 at 8:55 am

Best Rhino Shield Posts of 2011

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We have had a great year and helped lots of people improve and protect their home exteriors with Rhino Shield®.  2012 promises to be just as busy and just as exciting. We cannot wait to see what this next year has in store for Rhino Shield®.

Not to mention, we have been so happy to connect with so many of our favorite clients and friends through this blog and our social media sites on Facebook and Twitter, as well. In celebration of having such a fantastic year here at Rhino Shield®, we are recapping our five favorite posts from 2011:

As great as we think these posts are, no doubt our regular readers have favorites of their own. What were some of your favorite posts from the past year? Which were the most informative? Leave a comment and tell us what you liked best.

On top of that, feel free to contact Rhino Shield with any questions you have about the benefits of having our superior ceramic coatings on your home’s exterior.

Photo via: stock.xchng

Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

January 3, 2012 at 1:37 pm