Rhino Shield

It's Not Paint!

Archive for September 2011

Maintaining Your Rhino Shield Installation

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A Garden hose.

Maintaining your Rhino Shield coating properly is key to extending the life of your protective barrier.

It is recommended to periodically clean your home after a Rhino Shield installation to maintain the effectiveness and visual appeal of the coating.  Pollen, air pollution, spores and surface dirt cling to your home’s exterior over time.  A mild soap or cleanser works well to remove this buildup.

A garden hose performs best to cleanse your home’s substrate.  Avoid power washing your home after a Rhino Shield installation; if used improperly, a high power machine may cause lasting damage to your home and coating.

While washing your home, check for openings in the caulk joints around any windows, doors, trim, and siding.  It is also best to keep shrubs, trees and plants at least one foot away from siding.

For any additional information on how to maintain your Rhino Shield installation, contact us today.


Image via Wikipedia

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Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

September 29, 2011 at 3:22 pm

Have You Had A Rhino Shield Installation Recently? Tell Us About It!

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Have you had a Rhino Shield installation recently? Tell us how it went.

The true testament of how successful our Rhino Shield Ceramic Coating products are, is determining how happy our customers feel after an installation.  Client testimonials are not only a great way to gauge our customer thoughts– they offer insight into exactly how Rhino Shield affects the lives and the homes of real people.

There’s nothing quite like a real person offering real perspective.  Here are a few samples of customer testimonials from previous Rhino Shield installations:

Kilmer | Winchester, MA

>We are extremely pleased with the outcome of the Rhino Shield treatment of our home.    The process was completed with care to details of preparation and finish. The crew was very professional & capable. We shall be happy to recommend your company to anyone.

Vincent Granito, Athletic Director, Tulane University | New Orleans, LA

Tulane Athletics hired Rhino Shield of Louisiana in the summer of 2008 to paint the facade of the Goldring Tennis Center, the McWilliams Track Stadium and lettering of the Wilson Athletic Center. We were very pleased with the attention to detail, the professional manner in which the job was carried out and most important the look and outcome of Rhino Shield’s work at our facilities. We will consider Rhino Shield in the future.

You can find more testimonials about our installations here.  Have you recently had Rhino Shield applied to your home’s exterior?  Tell us about it on our Leave a Review page.

Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

September 23, 2011 at 3:45 pm

Protect Your Home From Harsh Elements With Rhino Shield

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Extreme weather

Rhino Shield can withstand winds up to 98 per hour.

The threat of extreme weather is upon us.  Many around the country are dealing with the dangers of damaging storms.  That’s why Rhino Shield’s ability to protect your home from wind and rain is so important and valuable.

Rhino Shield Ceramic Coating is rated to withstand 98 mile per hour wind and driving rain.  Our coating is six to ten times thicker than traditional paint.  Adhesion and bonding composition between our specialized primer and substrate holds steadfast in extreme climates.

Rhino Shield Ceramic Coating gives you an added measure of serenity and peace of mind because of its strong resistance to wind and water damage.  While it is always prudent to prepare for terrible storms, we cannot always prepare for the worst the way we’d like to.  You can take heart in knowing that Rhino Shield helps secure your home like no other coating can.  It stands up to extreme weather with toughness!



image courtesy of kevin dooley


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Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

September 19, 2011 at 2:17 pm

Use Rhino Shield To Enhance Your Brick Home

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Rhino Shield ceramic coating can accentuate the look of your brick home after its application.

Brick is beautiful, long lasting and durable. How can Rhino Shield enhance the surface of an already strong substrate? Rhino Shield’s technology enhances the look of brick in many ways. Because of its high build acrylic-urethane-elastomeric formula, it waterproofs and insulates the surface in addition to beautifying your home.  The cracks and crevices throughout the brick are sealed with an adhesive base coat to help protect your home from rugged elements, reducing the possibility of mortar cracking and falling out.  Rhino Shield also maintains the look of your substrate; therefore, the brick texture of your home is maintained after a Rhino Shield installation.

Traditional paint applied on brick typically lasts 3-5 years. Spalling can occur on your home within that time frame.  Characteristics of spalling include splitting and flaking of masonry and brick. Minute cracks in concrete, brick, or mortar joints if not filled properly with paint, will allow moisture to enter. In winter this moisture freezes and swells, splitting off small pieces of masonry. The surface, due to spalling, gradually erodes eventually breaking down the surface of the masonry.

Rhino Shield Ceramic Coating allows you to avoid these pesky maintenance issues of peeling and flaking paint. Brick is a porous material that needs to breathe and our coating allows water vapors to escape, reducing the possibility of brick corrosion from moisture damage.  Coating brick with Rhino Shield also affords you the opportunity to completely change the look of your home’s exterior. It can also be custom tinted, truly giving you a diverse look.

If you are considering applying Rhino Shield to your brick home or business, contact Rhino Shield today.


image courtesy of jonsigler via flickr

Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

September 19, 2011 at 2:12 pm

Rhino Shield And Google +

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Google Plus can increase the brand awareness for companies, including Rhino Shield.

Google + is a fantastic tool for businesses such as Rhino Shield because it creates a more intimate interaction between our customers and us.  Rhino Shield’s ability to offer a superior product paired with excellent customer service is only enhanced with Google +.

Connecting, linking, and sharing information about all aspects of Rhino Shield-installations, photos and reviews- is now easier than ever with this new networking tool.  Using Google + in conjunction with our blog, Facebook and Twitter pages enhance our ability to connect with our consumers.

Google +’s user-friendly design and features make the program easy and efficient to use.  Simply share a post from our blog with your friends, family and associates on Google.  Immediately, it becomes a part of your Google Profile where it is exposed to your desired circle of friends.  Find us on Google + today.

Don’t have Google + yet?  Visit our corporate website to learn more about Rhino Shield and to receive a free estimate today.



photo credit:  google plus invites

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Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

September 12, 2011 at 12:44 pm

Why Attend Fall Home Shows?

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Make sure you attend a Fall Home Show in your area. You may just meet a Rhino Shield vendor.

Fall is the perfect time to think about and plan your home renovations, redecorations, or restorations.  Home Shows are great ways to learn tips and find the right mixture of ideas, products and services that will not only give your home the perfect look–but also prepare it for the harsh elements of upcoming winter or to gather inspiration for spring.

These events are perfect for a homeowner in any stage of remodeling, with any budget.  Attending a Home Show saves you time and money, allowing you to shop and compare multiple services and products in one place.  Home Shows also enable you to connect with a company directly to learn the specifics before you buy their product or contract their services.

Finding the right products and ideas for redecorating and renovations are very important; Home Shows offer you a great selection of vendors within your area to meet your needs. Be sure to look for Rhino Shield Ceramic Coatings at your local Fall Home Show to meet your local Dealer and to discuss painting your home’s exterior.

Can’t wait for a Home Show? Contact your local dealer today by visiting our “Find a Dealer” page.

Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

September 8, 2011 at 12:54 pm