Rhino Shield

It's Not Paint!

Prepare for Hurricane Season With Rhino Shield

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For residents of Florida and other areas throughout the Gulf Coast, hurricane preparedness is a way of life. Florida hurricane season will officially begin next month and continue until November. The Gulf Coast region is not only known for their hurricanes, but extreme heat, humidity, abundant rain, and seasonal frost. All of these elements will destroy your home’s exterior if it is not protected.

Rather than going through the continuous expense of maintaining your home’s exterior with traditional paint, why not make an investment for your home’s longevity in Rhino Shield? Many homeowners in the Gulf Coast region have found comfort in knowing that their home will be able to withstand unpredictable weather.

Rhino Shield comes with a 25 year warranty and will eliminate the need for on-going, expensive maintenance on your home. Contact us to learn more about the strength of our product and how it will be well worth the investment.

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Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

May 18, 2011 at 2:30 pm

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