Rhino Shield

It's Not Paint!

Why Rhino Shield is the "Green" Alternative You've Searched For

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There are many reasons why the Rhino Shield product is eco-friendly. The product was designed for the very purpose of providing homeowners and business owners with a non-toxic ceramic coating that will give all the “green” benefits they want and need.

The low-e thermal barrier of Rhino Shield’s ceramic top-coat may even reduce the building’s energy consumption. Because of the product design, Rhino Shield is even safe for Solid Waste Landfill disposal. We do not need to wear protective clothing or worry about inhalation hazards when applying the product.

As a member of the Florida Green Building Coalition, there are other reasons why Rhino Shield is considered green. One of the reasons that you may not have thought about is the cost and energy that is saved because Rhino Shield last so much longer than traditional exterior paint. Not having to repaint your home saves raw materials, manufacturing energy, and pollution caused by transportation.

If you are interested in learn more about how Rhino Shield can give you the green design you are looking for to complement your home or business, please give us a call!

Photo credit: Idea go on freedigitalphotos

Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

May 12, 2011 at 11:30 am

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