Rhino Shield

It's Not Paint!

Archive for May 2011

Rhino Shield Coating Process: Part 2

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Last week we began a two-part series that discussed the Rhino Shield application process. There are still some important points to cover that are the reason why Rhino Shield is the leader in ceramic coating. Here is the continuation from Rhino Shield Coating Process: Part 1

  • Masking: Areas of your home that will not receive ceramic coating are masked off to protect. We give special attention to plants, decks, window, doors, and other areas.
  • Priming: A coat of Rhino Shield Adhesive Primer Sealer is sprayed onto your home to serve as a bonding agent for the finish coat of Rhino Shield.
  • Apply the Finish Coats: The ceramic coating is sprayed onto your home at a rate of 100 square feet per gallon or more. Tight areas may need additional back rolling.
  • Detail Touch Up: We will make touch ups for windows, awnings, and other detailed areas of your home. All masking materials are removed.
  • Clean Up Job Site: We want your home to look brand new. The job site will receive a detailed clean up to return your home back to its original state or better.
  • Final Inspection: Our job is not done until you are happy with our work.

The attention your home will receive with Rhino Shield is unlike any other painting service. Even when we leave your home, our warranty still remains for 25 years.

Please call us if you have any questions about using Rhino Shield for your home.

Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

May 20, 2011 at 4:51 pm

Prepare for Hurricane Season With Rhino Shield

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For residents of Florida and other areas throughout the Gulf Coast, hurricane preparedness is a way of life. Florida hurricane season will officially begin next month and continue until November. The Gulf Coast region is not only known for their hurricanes, but extreme heat, humidity, abundant rain, and seasonal frost. All of these elements will destroy your home’s exterior if it is not protected.

Rather than going through the continuous expense of maintaining your home’s exterior with traditional paint, why not make an investment for your home’s longevity in Rhino Shield? Many homeowners in the Gulf Coast region have found comfort in knowing that their home will be able to withstand unpredictable weather.

Rhino Shield comes with a 25 year warranty and will eliminate the need for on-going, expensive maintenance on your home. Contact us to learn more about the strength of our product and how it will be well worth the investment.

Photo credit:

Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

May 18, 2011 at 2:30 pm

Rhino Shield Coating Process: Part 1

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If you are one of the many homeowners learning for the first time about Rhino Shield, here is a brief overview of the process that is involved when the product is applied.

  • Thorough Inspection
    Before applying Rhino Shield to your home, we inspect your home’s underlying condition to see if any additional steps need to be taken before we apply the product.
  • Cleaning and Washing
    The entire surface is power-washed to kill any mold, mildew, or fungus that was pre-existing. TSP and bleach is commonly used for this process.
  • Patch & Repair
    Your home is brought to its original condition by sealing all cracks, holes, chips, and breaks.
  • Caulking
    In order to prevent moisture from disrupting the coating, we caulk around all doors and windows.

Check back with the blog for part 2 of the Rhino Shield Process.

This in-depth process is used to ensure your future happiness with the product. Give the exterior of your home the attention it deserves. Your neighbors and friends will notice the difference.

Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

May 13, 2011 at 8:30 am

Why Rhino Shield is the "Green" Alternative You've Searched For

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There are many reasons why the Rhino Shield product is eco-friendly. The product was designed for the very purpose of providing homeowners and business owners with a non-toxic ceramic coating that will give all the “green” benefits they want and need.

The low-e thermal barrier of Rhino Shield’s ceramic top-coat may even reduce the building’s energy consumption. Because of the product design, Rhino Shield is even safe for Solid Waste Landfill disposal. We do not need to wear protective clothing or worry about inhalation hazards when applying the product.

As a member of the Florida Green Building Coalition, there are other reasons why Rhino Shield is considered green. One of the reasons that you may not have thought about is the cost and energy that is saved because Rhino Shield last so much longer than traditional exterior paint. Not having to repaint your home saves raw materials, manufacturing energy, and pollution caused by transportation.

If you are interested in learn more about how Rhino Shield can give you the green design you are looking for to complement your home or business, please give us a call!

Photo credit: Idea go on freedigitalphotos

Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

May 12, 2011 at 11:30 am

Why is "Priming" so Important for the Rhino Shield Process?

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We’ve talked a lot about some of the various stages in the Rhino Shield process for exterior ceramic paint, but there is definitely one step in the process that seems to stand above the others when it comes to their significance.

Priming for a proper paint job is crucial to making sure your exterior ceramic coating lasts as long as it’s supposed to. In the Rhino Shield Process, we spray on a solid coat of Rhino Shield Adhesive Primer Sealer to act as a bonding agent to make the finish coat stay on your home without any cracking or peeling.

Rhino Shield Priming process

Adding primer to your exterior coating is crucial to the success of your paint!

Using a primer is so important nowadays primarily because since 1978, any lead-based chemicals were taken out of paint that would act as a glue to hold paint to your home. Primers now act as the adhesive under your paint in order to keep your new paint job for as long as possible.

To find out more about the Rhino Shield process, be sure to visit our corporate website or you can even give us call at 888-769-9154 for a free quote!

Don't Worry, Rhino Shield Has Your Color!

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color wheel

Rhino Shield has the color you're looking for.

We may be constantly stressing about how Rhino Shield is becoming a premiere product in regards to exterior ceramic coatings, but there is a lot more to repainting your home than simply selecting a paint product that you know will last a long time…

Along with making sure that you picked a quality product to paint the exterior of your home with, you also want a paint company that gives you options.

Obviously, one issue that people want to address immediately is whether or not that paint product carries a paint color that they find suitable for their home. Fortunately, if you have decided to go with Rhino Shield you won’t have to worry.

Rhino Shield offers a wide variety of different colors and you are sure to find the color that fits your home’s exterior perfectly. And we are always looking to expand the amount of colors as well!

So don’t choosing a color wear you down. Instead, focus on choosing a product that you know you will be happy with in both appearance and quality.

If you’re interested in seeing what Rhino Shield can do for your house’s exterior, just give us a call at 888-769-9154 and we will give you a free quote over the phone!

Written by rhinoshieldceramiccoatings

May 6, 2011 at 1:18 pm

Make Your Florida Beach Home Pristine This Summer!

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Beach House

Make your beach house look brand new with a coating of Rhino Shield.

Spring break has passed and we are slowly creeping towards the summer season, which unofficially begins after the Memorial Day weekend.

With that in mind, do you have a rental property along the Florida coastline that may be in need of some renovation in regards to the “look” of the property itself? If so, the first thing you may want to look at is upgrading your exterior painting on the house.

If an exterior paint job is in your near future, Rhino Shield should be on your radar, especially if you don’t want to have to worry about having to repaint your rental property any time soon.

Not only does Rhino Shield’s exterior ceramic coating last much longer than traditional exterior coatings, it is also great for houses that reside in coastal areas. The paint itself is heat-resistant and has a high salt tolerance, great for properties that right on the beach!

So don’t waste any more time before the summer season gets here if you own a rental property on the Florida coast. Make your house look as pristine as ever with a brand new coat of Rhino Shield!

To get a free quote for Rhino Shield, all you have to do is give us a call at 888-769-9154.

Repaint Your Rooms with the Eco-Friendly Nature's Cote

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The finished result of Nature's Cote

Nature's Cote is one of the best interior paints on the market!

We may talk a lot about how great our Rhino Shield product is for repainting the exterior of your home with a long-lasting ceramic coating, but did you know that AmCoat Industries also has other products that share similar features for different parts of the home?

One product that is becoming more and more popular is our Nature’s Cote product which have briefly discussed in the past. Not only does this interior offer three different sheens, this eco-friendly paint has an unlimited number of colors to choose from.

Why use Nature’s Cote when painting your house’s interior? Compared to traditional paints, Nature’s Cote is 52% solid by volume (compared to 31% with other paints) and contains the best 100% acrylic resins available. You can read more about the differences by visiting NaturesCote.com.

So if you’re looking to give some of the rooms in your home a new makeover, be sure to take a closer look at our Nature’s Cote product so you won’t have to worry about having to repaint anytime soon!

Have you used Nature’s Cote before in your home? Let us know by leaving a comment!